Unity Agreement (10-21)

The Unity Agreement is at the bottom of the page, a notice to all persons who wish to become a Professional WholyFit member, who become and remain certified in the WholyFit Brand, which communicates the expectations of our fellowship. Before you get to that, here is an overview.

A Little about WholyFit

Provide the best Biblical stretching option available, a branded system that is scientific and respected in the professional fitness industry – join WholyFit. We are blessed to have you! #WholyFit is a non-yoga, original, professional, branded flexibility and strength system for Christian fitness professionals who wish to focus on wellness for the whole person: body, soul and spirit.

Public Access to WholyFit Classes:

You can become a public member without becoming certified.

  • 4K Big TV WholyFit workout videos are downloadable.
  • Join “Locust Eaters” or “WholyFit Beyond” public membership on youtube.com/wholyfit for live public classes with WholyFit Founder Laura Monica, and WholyFit Certified Trainers.

Professional Access to WholyFit Classes:

To become certified you need to join the WholyFit professional membership, which is taken care of when you register. WholyFit Certified Trainers receive ongoing access to live online and in person classes, continuing education, teacher training and fellowship through mywholyfit.org training site and other WholyFit Professional Member-only platforms.

WholyFit Different Than Yoga:

1. WholyFit branded “Heirloom” routines provide an alternative to yoga, which Christian Fitness professionals use to train their clients. 

2.  WholyFit professionals maintain a business stance that is completely separate from the yoga industry. 

3. All WholyFit postures are named after Scripture references, like (Belt of) “Truth,” (Breastplate of) “Righteousness,” “Love,” “Peace,” “Shield,” “Overcomer” – which are positive and uplifting even in a secular environment. In a church setting Scripture and Discovery Bible Study are added.

4.  Teacher Training and continuing education happens all the time in an ongoing way. Certification is the entrance into the global WholyFit community and fellowship continues and grows after certification. This is why our team community is so important to this organization and why it is important for us to work together to promote each other.

Is WholyFit a Good Fit?

The unity agreement will help you determine whether you can, in good conscience, represent the WholyFit brand with integrity. Read it carefully before you sign it. It will help you decide whether WholyFit is a good “fit.” (Pun intended.) The two indicators of fit are:

1. Do you wish to travel in the same direction we are going, as a team?

2. Do you want to minister in a team situation?

If you desire a team behind you, you will work side by side WholyFit Professional Members to build God’s Kingdom. Together with the WholyFit Fellowship, you will use the evangelistic tool of the WholyFit system, to supplement whatever God has already called you to do in His Kingdom.

We encourage creativity in the use of WholyFit as a tool for Bible teachers, Pastors, evangelists, Sunday School Teachers, parents, homeschoolers, and of course fitness professionals of all kinds. We help each other see opportunities, share ideas and experience. For example get how to tech support on how to give online WholyFit classes. You will receive team ideas and encouragement in how to reach the lost in the fitness industry, methods that are completely appropriate for a professional situation, a church environment or secular settings.

  • In secular fitness venues, WholyFit is the best, most scientifically based and efficient core strength/flexibility/restorative program in the industry.
  • In church venues it is a “Bible Study In Motion.” You will be able to help people memorize God’s Word through exercise.


The WholyFit Fellowship is  group support for your ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ, for encouragement as a minister of the Gospel, as a Christian fitness professional, parent, spa owner, etc… as you train yourself and others in body, soul and spirit. We will help you to become a highly trained fitness provider, we may be small but we believe we are the best in the industry.

We have a wonderful fellowship. Life long friendships are made here. We study the Bible together, exercise together, pray for each other, do life together. This is a very different model from other fitness certification organizations and that is why we express expectations right up front, through our Unity Agreement.


The Bible says we are to admonish each other in our walk with Christ Jesus, and we are to do so with gentleness, respect and humility. It is very important to us that the WholyFit name and original system distinguishes us as separate from yoga in order to send a clear Gospel message to the world: Salvation is through Christ alone, a gift from God, through grace alone, not of works.

The WholyFit branded system IS what makes us different than yoga. When you sign the unity agreement, you tell WholyFit leaders and your team, that you have decided to promote the WholyFit Brand as your alternative to yoga, not as an addition to yoga. You will represent the WholyFit Brand and name correctly, publicly, whenever you use what you have learned in this certification, whether you train others in a secular fitness environment or the local church. You will represent your WholyFit team by calling your classes/sessions “WholyFit.” You will represent yourself clearly as a WholyFit Certified Trainer to the public. You will work in community with your WholyFit ministry team world wide, teaching the same routines, the same exercises, those you have been trained in through WholyFit. This keeps the system pure, while still encouraging the many creative and varied uses of WholyFit. For example, in certification you will learn the WholyFit format and also that you can teach one routine so differently that you never teach it the same way twice!

Professional Growth

There is a lot more to learn after initial certification. During initial certification you will learn the basics of the Brand and one routine, the Armor of God Heirloom Routine which has 142 WholyFit-specific exercises. You will learn the WholyFit branded exercises, system format, teaching techniques, biomechanics like layering and M.A.T.  During continuing education online, you will learn more routines, as well as other branded WholyFit systems. You will find WF continuing education to continue to challenge and stretch you for years to come!

  1. At first you will master the Ephesians 6 Armor routine.
  2. Then you can learn more routines, exercises and techniques to present the system in many different ways.
  3. As you take more continuing education classes you will have the tools to get creative and still maintain the integrity of WholyFit.

In continuing education, for example, you will learn WholyFit for Special populations, WholyFit Sit (chair stretching,) etc…  You will also be able to incorporate WholyFit’s own Fusion systems into your classes like Kickboxing, Dance, SlowFlo, our walking program and low impact with weights!

The WholyFit Brand

  • name
  • format
  • heirloom routines
  • postures
  • techniques

The WholyFit branded system is what makes us different than yoga. Building the brand means making WholyFit recognizable to the public as something different than yoga. No matter how much experience you have in fitness, and in other fitness systems, we expect you to spend effort learning the WholyFit brand, exercises and formatting. If you are new to the fitness industry, be fearless because the Lord Your God is with you wherever you go! WholyFit trainings will build you up and equip you to be the very best in the industry!

Help your participants to recognize the Brand. Begin presenting WholyFit to the public, with care to remain very close to the format and routine, just so they get the idea that WholyFit is different than yoga.  Once you have established the brand with your participants, and they can recognize the WholyFit system, that’s the time to get more creative. Through continuing education you learn to alter the format and exercises to fit you and your clients’ needs.

Teaching in a secular environment

This is a challenge, as well known by Laura, WholyFit Founder, who has actual experience in the fitness industry.  Even in a secular environment, call your group exercise classes WholyFit or “WhollyFit” to make the WholyFit more and more recognizable. This helps your team and wholeness sells, it is a popular secular idea, so there is no reason to change the name. Note the success of the Wholy Taco and Whole Foods brand names. Similarly, present WholyFit (or spell it “WhollyFit”) to secular venues emphasizing that you will be offering fitness for the whole person and that the public will love it! That’s why yoga sells so well. The bottom line is, use the WholyFit name, or WhollyFit spelling, use the WholyFit posture names and WholyFit branded format. Many gyms simply need 10 instructors to be able to promote a certain brand. Help us train more instructors in your area! There are many lucrative ways to teach WholyFit independently also, in dance studios and private gyms. Be creative! 

WholyFit Leadership Opportunities

As we work together to build up recognition of the WholyFit Name world-wide, there will be more opportunities for everyone to make their business and ministry dreams come true. There are leadership opportunities in the WholyFit organization for leadership after certification. You are welcome to start training to become a Mentor Trainer as soon as you graduate. WholyFit Leaders are chosen based on how well they model themselves as a Christian minister and expert representatives of the WholyFit system and brand. We believe you are what you do.

Trademark and Copyright:

You get to use the WholyFit name and system for your local classes.  Logos remain the property of WholyFit available for print by permission only. All corporate promotion using the WholyFit trademark name, through media with global outreach potential, must be initiated through WholyFit Corporate. Examples: YouTube, Facebook, Rumble, Vimeo, Instagram, etc… If you want to join our social media promotion as a team leader, we will give you editorial access to our social sites and give you access to participation in our WholyFit video production. All WholyFit trademarked productions and media need to be originated through WholyFit corporate.

WholyFit, HolyFit, WhollyFit and all homonyms /spellings are legal trademarks of WholyFit LLC. Only WholyFit LLC has the legal right to use these brand names on corporate social media. #wholyfit #whollyfit #holyfit.

  • WholyFit Corporate retains sole right to appoint our global/national leaders.
  • WholyFit Corporate retains sole right to maintain social media, video hosting, domain profiles using corporate trademarks/profiles.

Regional social profiles are always initiated and created only by WholyFit LLC and can be managed by WholyFit leaders who volunteer. Our Biblical unity values do not permit competition between team members because it takes away from the outreach potential of the WholyFit team. We encourage working in community. More hands make light work and we will get so much accomplished working together and sharing our resources!

Foundational WholyFit Ideas

You may not become a rockstar, but you will definitely honor Jesus when you give up yoga and join WholyFit. The WholyFit exercises and routines are always current with fitness trends, changing with the culture, but the foundational ideas behind the WholyFit Brand remain the same, built on the Biblical principals below. Many of us have quit yoga and with that has come the putting aside of the need for worldly approval. This is a foundational quality of those who lead WholyFit, an idea that has not changed for over 20 years; These are the ideas WholyFit was founded on.

  • Count the cost. (Luke 14:28)
  • Our home is not of this world. (Hebrews 13:14)
  • They hated Jesus, they will hate us. (John 15:18-25)
  • We seek to gather instead of scatter, the work of the Kingdom. (Matt. 12:30)
  • We seek unity and harmony among the workers of the Kingdom. (Ps. 133:1)
  • We seek to equip and encourage workers in the Kingdom to use their gifts. (1 Cor. 12:8-10)
  • We seek to lead in joy, totally desperate and dependent upon the power of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 2:4-6)
  • Parable of the talents. (Luke 19:12-28)
  • Shepherding (Matthew 18:12-14)
  • The Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-27)
  • Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:6-8)
  • We are Overcomers (John 16:33)
  • We counting nothing as our own. (Acts 4:32-35)
  • We Are 50% Certification and 90% Fellowship

WholyFit is 50% Certification and 95% Fellowship

That is mystery math, but it’s the way God’s economy works. He multiplies what we give Him. WholyFit is not just a certification, it’s a community. You are joining a ministry, not only getting a fitness certification. WholyFit is unique in the fact that God has called us to work in a community. Even from the beginning of certification, you are trained one on one, with a Mentor and afterwards, we work together and continue to support each other through fellowship and continuing education.

Put on the Armor of God

You entered a war zone when you accepted Jesus and it will only get worse as you follow Him. You will be entering into warfare with us against the devil, but we are Overcomers. We overcome the devil by the Word of God and our testimony. We teach the Armor of God routine first because you need to come begin as a WholyFit minister with your armor on. We are following Jesus in a ministry that directly confronts the powers and principalities of evil in the heavenly realms with the Word of God. You need to be prepared for opposition, even from Christians, family and friends, and you will need the support of a team behind you. We must have each other’s backs. Whenever you kick in the doors of Hell, you can expect a fight and you will need your army behind you.

(Updated 7-2021)