Silver Certification Registration

Fitness group

This is a Silver “Refresher” for Previously Registered WholyFit Interns or Trainers.

DIRECTIONS: If you have never been certified through WholyFit before/ never begun certification, click “Premium Certification Registration” instead of this Refresher link.


  1. If you have been certified through WholyFit before, or have been a Silver Intern before, this registration will open only the first half (Silver Certification) of the course to you a second time.
    • Still a member? to re-enter Silver course content click “buy certification membership” and update your profile.
    • Not a member? If you have no profile, click “Premium Certification Registration” and “buy certification membership”
  2. By proceeding you agree to buy WholyFit Membership for $5/month to access the training site and to remain certified. You will also be required to sign a unity agreement, agreeing to biblical values and standards of professionalism. Please know there are no refunds once you have had access to our training materials.)

Back to for Certification Info.