Silver Mentor Responsibilities

Mentor Training Program –

Enter the Silver Mentor Training Program to certify others in Silver Certification. Enter Gold Mentor Training to certify others in Gold Certification.

Know the Courseware

Go through the Silver and Gold online courses and be sure you know the material and the courseware. Post your own station test out videos for your Lead Mentor Trainer. Help your Lead Mentor Trainer give a Gold testout to others.

This module covers Silver Mentor Training.

We welcome you to help others to lead people to Jesus through WholyFit Devotional Exercise. What a great ministry! So many people have expressed and interest. Thank you for bridging the logistical gap between those who want to teach WholyFit and those who are well equipped to train others; You! Christian leaders through the centuries have searched for “reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others” to entrust their ministries to, so we at WholyFit have prayed for you to be interested in taking WholyFit to the next generation!

Here’s how a Biblical training model works:

Silver and Gold Presenters are equipped by Kym Pelfrey, Executive Director or by Laura Monica, President of FPFC. In the future we hope to have approved Corporate Mentor Trainers who can also raise up mentor Trainers. 

  1. Director does, Mentor Intern watches
  2. Director does, Mentor Intern helps (Demonstrator)
  3. Mentor Intern does, Director helps
  4. Mentor Intern does does, Director watches (Another mentor demonstrates)
  5. Mentor Intern does on his/her own, gets feedback from attendees
  6. Director approves you
  7. You are a Corporate Mentor Trainer

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Eph 4:11-13

Mentor Training Directors, CMT’s, Mentors and Mentor Interns

Laura Monica- WholyFit Founder

Kym Mullins Pelfrey – Executive Director

Jen Tuttle

Carrie Carriere

Barbara King – CMT

Carlyn Mannino

Chris Stansbery – CMT

Rebecca Lechner Deaver

Mary Marquez- Limon

Susanna Becker

Coniver Haedener

Susan Plummer

Sandy Thompson

Julia Greene Faia

Karalyn Tresh

Tiffany Sheffield

Silver Mentor Responsibilities


There are two types of Mentor Trainers. “Corporate Mentor Trainers” and/or “Mentors in Training” (AKA “Mentor Intern.”)

 1. Mentor Trainer Interns can be any Gold Certified instructor.

2. Mentor Trainees volunteer their time in order to get experience.

 3. Mentors Interning are not paid.

 4. Mentors Trainers are paid by the intern directly.

 5. Mentor Trainers have passed a certain level of training and photocoaching with Director, Founder or approved CMT.

 6. “Mentors” refers to all of the groups above.

 7. Mentor volunteerism does not necessarily guarantee a paid position as a Corporate Mentor Trainer, but rather functions as the interview process for the Corporate Mentor Trainer position.


As a Mentor Interning, or a paid Corporate Mentor, the following are the basic requirements.


 1. evaluate their intern weekly in writing.

 2. initiate and maintain contact with Interns throughout their certification process.

 3. disciple interns.

 4. communicate to interns that this is also a ministry.

 5. teach their interns in becoming spiritual leaders to others.

 6. keep tabs on where interns are in the certification process with excel spreadsheet (use form provided.)

 7. set up photo-coaching appointments with self, intern and Director


Corporate will assign you your intern. Best case, the intern is someone near you that you have recruited and you can meet with them in person.

 1. Mentor will sign this contract within two days.

 2. Once contract is signed, Mentor responsibilities begin.


 1. Make your Interns understand that they are required to communicate with you in order to graduate

 2. Mentors give weekly feedback to as to whether the communication requirement of once per week was fulfilled by intern

 3. Mentor will give weekly written communication to the intern on the intern’s progress, i.e. “Here is where you are and here is where you should be.”

 4. It is ultimately the Mentor’s responsibility to engage and befriend intern

5. At least four communications are required intern-to-mentor per month. Phone call, text, or email can be used depending on your intern’s preferences. Hold meeting with intern preferably before each photo-coaching appointment.

 6. It is the responsibility of Mentor to follow up with Intern even if Intern is not initiating further communication until the 90 day period is up.


It is the responsibility of Mentor to keep a communication and progress log (provided).

 1. keep test grades per intern.

 2. Mentors are required to do at least one weekly post on the Silver Facebook for photocoaching


Mentors grade tests and use them as re-teaching tools.

 1. Interns must score an 80% on tests to received the correct answers from Mentors; otherwise the intern must take the test again.

 2. Every week Mentors forward grade intern tests.

3. Every week Mentors email their intern with what tests they should have finished that week and what their score was.

 4. Mentors keep their interns’ grades and forward final average to


Evaluations will be done once intern finishes the program

 1. There is an Intern to Mentor eval;

 2. Mentor to Intern eval;

 3. WholyFit to Mentor eval;

 4. Mentor to WholyFit.

 5. Mentor Trainers will receive a survey and submit it evaluating the WholyFit training program and offering suggestions for improvement after every Semester.


Corporate Mentor Trainers are bona fid CMT’s who are hired as independent contractors by other Mentor Trainers who want to become CMT’s. CMT’s help Mentors through this course.

 1. CMT’s demonstrate their readiness through Mentoring Silver Interns and training others at Gold trainings in person.


What is your goal?

 1. I am participating to fulfill re-certification requirements

 2. Silver Mentor

 3. Gold Mentor

 4. Corporate Mentor Trainer (Mentor Trainer who raises up other Mentors)