We are a non-profit ministry, serving the Lord 100% by volunteerism.
Volunteerism is optional at the Platinum level. Please plan ahead to volunteer to qualify for the next membership level.
More volunteers = more ministry.
Here are some opportunities:
We especially need income producing help so that we can offer jobs that pay to those with a passion for WholyFit!
- Outreach – contacting people interested in joining our team and follow up
- Church outreach – Present WholyFit at churches, christian retreats, etc…
- Administration – help instructors stay current, help them work with technology, etc…
- Hospitality
- Fellowship
- Prayer
- Social Media Outreach Team
- YouTube
- Linked in
- many many many more…
- Tech Team
- Web design, graphic art, all creativity through tech!
- Artwork – design logos, and other creative outreach projects
- Video editing
- Birthday Club
- Mentor Instructor – Train to hold live Silver and Gold Trainings to certify new trainers. Photocoach new interns on our Facebook private training groups.
- Blogging, writing articles, editing, research
- Represent WholyFit and network with other fitness enthusiasts at fitness fairs and conferences
- Write bible studies for continuing education
Thank you for sowing into the Kingdom of God through WholyFit! May you reap a hundred fold!