Articles, Newsletters, Fitness Fairs, Interviews

Feel free to share these and pursue your own articles where you are featured.


Local News Articles

Alison’s Article

Debbie’s Article

Kym’s Article

Laura’s Article


Your Own Newsletter

Laura’s Newsletter

Perform Demos

Demos at Fitness Conferences


Press Releases

How about offering a press release to your local newspaper?

Laura’s really old press release (I would do a different one these days.)


Radio Interviews



TV Interviews

Reminiscing! Laura of WholyFit Interviewed on FullCircleTV by the Soul Sisters in Canada 2/2/11. This is an Interview 9 years ago with Ann Mainse, Cheryl Weber, Melinda Estabrooks. Laura Interviewed on Full Circle, a talk show of Crossroads Christian Communications based in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, of which 100 Huntley Street is the flagship. Laura, Health Fitness Specialist tells all about her chronic fatigue recovery and overcoming clinical depression by the power of Jehova Rapha!

See the kickoff Interview with Laura on 100 Huntley Street by Moira Brown: