WholyFit FLY Introduction

WholyFit in the air!

We are taking WholyFit to the sky! Aerial WholyFit is called WholyFit FLY.  “FLY”  is wonderfully decompressing for the spinal column and is a great help to your WholyFit practice on the ground. Postures like Bridge are so much easier to master on the FLY apparatus without gravity. Practicing WholyFit without the weight of gravity is amazingly fun for balance postures like Weapon. FLY can be a gentle therapeutic class for conservative exercisers/seniors in the right class and if the right exercises or chosen. FLY can also be a cirque type class for those with no physical limitations who enjoy extreme sports. My senior citizen mother LOVES the decompression class and has a sling set up in her back yard!




Learning to FLY

FLY is a faith adventure.